Nothing so easy and rich as fresh bread made at home, and that is that at Awa Natura we love breakfast with our daily bread, all with ingredients 100% natural and from organic farming.
Thermomix recipe- Ingredients
– 400 gr of Spelled flour
– 300 ml of water
– 20 gr of fresh yeast
– 15 gr of salt
– 20gr of extra virgin olive oil
– 7gr of sugar
- We put sugar, water and oil in the glass. Program 2 minutes at 37 degrees, speed 1
- Add the fresh yeast, and program at speed 3 for 10 seconds
- Add flour, salt and program 5 minutes at spike speed
- Sacamos la masa del vaso y hacemos una bola grande que a posteriori colocaremos en un bol grande tapado con papel film y dejamos en un lugar cálido durante 60 minutos.
- We remove the dough and knead it by stretching it and folding it in again and again for 5 minutes
- We give the desired shape, put it in a cast iron pot where you have previously put a kitchen paper. We humidify and flour by making small cuts.
We cover the pot and then we introduce the pot in the cold oven and put it at 22oº for 60 min - We take the pot out of the oven carefully, we take out the bread and hit it with a wooden spoon and, the trick is that if it sounds hollow, the bread would be ready
- Let it cool resting on a rack
Now we just have to enjoy this super food!